Our Team

Our Team
Katarina, Roland, Audra, and Rochelle

Who we are?

Roland, Rochelle, Katarina, and Audra...four Christians who have formed a team to help Haiti. This blog is keeping us in contact with family, friends, and supporters, and, hopefully, with our "blog followers" will help contribute funds to our efforts.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Progress in Haiti

Well, we found something that might be promising for our land situation the other day after church services. Gerome, Roland, and I went with a friend that had found the land and we looked it over. It approximately 1.5 acres and is a very very good price compared to the other pieces of land we were looking at. It has trees for shade, a hand dug well...lots of water on the property, and already a garden with beans, corn, and peppers. Its not all that far from the city but far enough away to be out by itself. We're now trying to figure out about the funds...if we are able to get enough money to purchase it. We will need to know soon, though.
We also taught English to preschool kids for the first time today. It was for an hour to about 60 children 3,4,and 5 yr olds. They stay after school for an extra hour just for out class. We went over the alphabet, numbers, "How are you" "I'm fine." "My name is..." "How old are you?" and "I am ....years old." We will be teaching english for at least an hour each day at this school.
Things are staing very very busy. Always something to do. There are so many things that can be done and so much that we can help with...so much that people in the United States can help US with. We hope that people's enthusiasm about this work stays positive. There is so much to do.

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