Our Team

Our Team
Katarina, Roland, Audra, and Rochelle

Who we are?

Roland, Rochelle, Katarina, and Audra...four Christians who have formed a team to help Haiti. This blog is keeping us in contact with family, friends, and supporters, and, hopefully, with our "blog followers" will help contribute funds to our efforts.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Rochelle and Audra

Rochelle and Audra made it Haiti just the other day, safe and sound. There was some obstacles with a couple of the flights, so it took a little longer for them to meet up with Roland in Port-au-Prince, but they are all together and have made it to Cap-Haitien. They are taking the rest of this week to get settled in. Last night they had a Bible study at the house...it went very well. I know they have expressed in emails and phone calls that they are glad to be there...ready to continue the work!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Rochelle and Audra Heading Down to Haiti!

This Tuesday and Wednesday Rochelle and Audra will be flying from their homes down to Haiti. They will meet Roland in Port-au-Prince and then take the bus to Cap-Haitien. Let's keep them all in our prayers during travel and while the work continues in Haiti! I know they will love it and will make much progress. There is so much work to be done constantly! Right now, I am actually chating with them while they are out buying supplies for themselves, the house, and the work.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

At home

I'm finally starting to get used to life in the States again...the shower, electricity, the food, ext. But I know that I have changed a lot in my mentality, perspective, thought process, things like that. Right now, my time is spent (well, other than starting my work again here in the States and then getting things ready for the upcoming semester at college) studying and contemplating a lot of the Biblical issues we came across while in Haiti. I am studing and using concordances, books, internet, emailing friends and preachers in the church...trying to figure out exactly what is right. It seems like what is so cut and dry here in the States can be very confusing when you add culture in. And, this too, I'm not sure if it is right or wrong.
Hopefully though, we will be able to find answers through study and prayer...and then can work towards spreading the truth again.
I know at some point, I have to return to Haiti. I don't know when, and right now I don't know exactly how, or for how long, but I can not NOT go back.
I have talked to Roland a few times since I returned. He is still staying busy. I believe today, he is taking the time to serve as a translater for a large group of Christians that came from a church in Chicago. They are doing all kinds of work and staying in the same orphanage that we originally stayed at a couple months ago.
Rochelle and Audra are taking care of stuff out in California in preparation for their trip to Haiti. they are very excited about going and can not wait to get started!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Return to the States

Well, I finally made it back to the States after a couple pretty confusing and tiring days of travel. I still am planning on keeping the blog up, by posting pictures and telling more stories that happened while in Haiti. Since our work is still progressing with Roland living there for the rest of the year, and our other team members, Rochelle and Audra, arriving in Haiti in the next two weeks, there will still be a lot to talk about. I am also going to set up the blog so Rochelle and Audra can get on and post what is going on.
Again, internet service is "iffy" and slow and it cost money to use it. That is why we are only checking emails and blogging every so often. I actually got into the habit of typing out my blogs and emails on my laptop before I went to the cyber cafe so that I did not have to waste the time on the internet typing everything out. I just copied and pasted to be able to save money and time. We are trying to do everything possible to utilize our resources in the most appropriate and beneficial ways.
It's odd and difficult to transition back into life in the States. Things as simple as showers with running water, electricity, a soft bed, a stove, paved roads, everything seems very odd and almost uncomfortable.
I'm curious as to how long it will take to feel comfortable again.